“In loving memory of a true wolf hero”
December 2nd, 1968, through April 19th, 2023
Brenda was a true hero for wolves in North America, through the spirit of the wolf Brenda and Lori became best friends. Brenda spent years researching and bringing to light what is happening in the wild with poaching, missing wolf pups, the horror behind trapping, Judas wolves, ear tagging , the organizations involved with these horrific practices that not only caused a mortality rate of 97% of wolf pups in certain states, but also found that because of greedy humans these wolves became inbred. Brenda was loved and respected by true wolf advocates in America and Canada.
Guardians of the Wolves is dedicated to fulfilling the great legacy of Brenda and the plight to relist wolves, to ban trapping, poaching and ariel killing of these magnificent animals.